Why Eco-Friendly Food Packaging is the Future of F&B Industry?
The global Food and Beverage Industry is highly saturated, featuring a multitude of businesses offering diverse food items, spanning from snacks to elaborate three-course meals. The sector has experienced significant expansion over the years, witnessing a surge in sales. As the F&B industry continues to grow, numerous establishments, including food outlets, pubs, and restaurant chains, have emerged. Simultaneously, the trend of eco-friendly food packaging has gained prominence in the market.
What is Eco-Friendly Food Packaging?
Eco-friendly food packaging denotes packaging methods that prioritize environmental friendliness and sustainability within the Food and Beverage (F&B) industry. In the past, plastic boxes and containers were commonly utilized for food packaging. However, there has been a notable shift towards the widespread adoption of eco-friendly paper packaging products, such as gusset bags made from 100% recycled paper, in the industry. Choosing paper for food packaging not only contributes to a company's brand value but also brings satisfaction to customers when their food is delivered in an eco-friendly manner.
Benefits of Paper Food Packaging
Advantages of using paper food packaging include:
1. Preserves the texture of the food even when the package is exposed to sunlight.
2. Provides a premium appearance to the packaging.
3. Aligns the brand with sustainable practices.
4. Facilitates easy handling of food.
Paper Food Packaging: An Appeal to the eye
Eco-friendly paper packaging looks really good, and that's the first thing that catches a customer's eye before they eat. If the packaging doesn't look nice, people might not even open it. Having the brand logo on the top of the food package is also a good way to let people know about it. Cool-looking paper food packaging is a really affordable way for the food industry to advertise. Product appearance plays a huge part in its sales success. Restaurants, food places and pubs rely heavily on eco-friendly paper packaging products such as containers for soup, noodles and sandwiches, as well as gusset bags to pack solid foods in. Food packed into plastic boxes may taste just as great, but it won't look quite so appealing to potential buyers.
Future of F&B industry
The food and beverage (F&B) industry looks promising for eco-friendly paper packaging products. Right now, its global worth exceeds USD 2,323.29 billion (source). As more people care about the environment, this number is going to go up in the next few years. If your food business is still using plastic containers, try switching to eco-friendly paper packaging products like gusset bags from Continual Solutions. It can make your brand grow even more.